Ornamental Plants
ANTHURIUM (Anthurium spp.)
(Ad hoc recommendation)
Anthurium is one of the important economic flowers of export potential. There are more than 500 species and several varieties. Few of them are commercially important.
Anthurium andreanum, A. veitchii and A. scherzerianum are the economically viable species. Many of them are partially epiphytic in growth habit. Plants prefer to grow under shade. The tolerable level of light in the tropical region during summer is 20-30 per cent. Excess light causes yellowing and scorching of leaves. Very low light intensity causes excessive vegetative growth and low flowering. It is preferable to grow anthurium in the open, under artificial shade structures for better growth and yield. Plant prefers to grow under a relative humidity of not less than 60 per cent and a temperature of not more than 18-28ºC.
Anthurium is multiplied by seed and vegetatively by stem cuttings or by
separation of basal sprouts. Propagation by seed is
not recommended as a commercial propagation method as it results in high variability.
Plants can be multiplied in large number by
micro-propagation techniques from the
tender leaf bits.
The economic varieties suitable for Kerala condition are Lima White, Cuba, Agnihotri, Liver Red, Can Can, Tropical, Nitta, Sunburst, Linda-de-Mol, Tinora, Acropolis, Gino Orange and Midori.
Vegetative propagation
Plants are propagated vegetatively by separating suckers from flowering plants as and when available and planted in the medium. Cutting the thick main stem into 3-4 cm long discs and then into vertical bits can also be done. Each bit should have minimum two lateral buds. Cut-pieces are treated with a fungicide solution and planted on a medium of clean river sand. Cuttings will take 1-2 months for sprouting.
Seedlings and sprouted cuttings of 5-10 cm height are transferred to the main field or pots. Planting in pots is preferred in the plains. Cultivation in beds is good at higher altitudes (about 1000 m above MSL). A loose medium above the ground is suitable for anthurium. Old and chopped coconut husk (3 cm size) mixed with brick pieces and charcoal are filled in narrow trenches 10 cm below and above ground level.
Pots can also be filled with the same mixture. An ideal pot should be 30 cm diameter at top with 3 large holes at the bottom on sides. One plant can be planted in a pot. On ground, the spacing is 45 to 60 cm depending upon the variety. Fresh cowdung or neem cake mixed with 10-15 times of water, kept for 4-5 days, can be sprayed on the plants after filtering. Cow's urine can be sprayed or drenched after mixing with 25 times of water. Water soluble fertilizer (19:19:19) 2 g / l is applied in the medium once a week. Slow release fertilizers, if used, need be given only once in 2-3 months. Pruning of older leaves, removal of suckers at young stage, cleaning of crown before rains etc. are other operations to be carried out in order to have a better growth and flowering.
Plant protection
The two major diseases are bacterial blight and anthracnose. Blackening of the stem and decay of leaf axils are the symptoms of bacterial blight. Spraying a mixture of turmeric powder and sodium bi carbonate in the proportion 10:1@ 0.15 per cent at weekly interval from the initiation of the disease is effective for the management of bacterial blight of anthurium.
Tiny circular black spots appear on leaf and spadix in case of anthracnose. Spraying mancozeb 0.3 per cent or carbendazim 0.05 per cent can control the disease.
Root rot caused by Pythium and
Phytophthora can be controlled by the application of potassium phosphonate 0.3
per cent.
The major pests are scales and bugs, which are controlled by spraying
malathion @ 2 ml per litre of water. Snails also
cause damage to young roots. Use of metaldehyde can prevent the attack of snails.
Harvesting Orchids are noted for their
bewitchingly beautiful, long lasting flowers, widely
differing in shape, size and colour. They belong to the family Orchidaceae,
reported to comprise over 600 genera, 30000
species and about 1.5 lakhs man made hybrids. They have varying habitats but epiphytic orchids dominate the trade. They are also classed
as monopodials (stems having a vertical growth, non branching, with aerial roots)
and sympodials (stems having a horizontal growth, producing pseudobulbs in clusters,
no aerial roots).
The ideal location for orchid growing is in the open conditions, under appropriate
level of shade. In Kerala certain orchids are grown
under the shade of old coconut trees.
Most attractive orchids belong to
the group of epiphytes, which require free
moving air at all times. They produce
aerial roots, which absorb water and nutrients
from the atmosphere. Both terrestrial and epiphytes grow under varying levels of
shade. Plants grown under deep shade will have good vegetative growth and poor
flowering. Hence shade and light regulations are
very important operations for better flowering. A humid and warm
atmosphere is congenial for the growth of most of the tropical
orchids. Better results are obtained when the
atmospheric humidity is 50 to 80
per cent. Orchids require proper temperature for
good growth and flowering. Accordingly there are tropical, subtropical and temperate
Genera / varieties
The popular genera of orchids
that are suitable for growing in Kerala are Arachnis, Aranthera,
Vanda,Phalaenopsis (monopodials); Aranda, Mokara
(inter-generic monopodials); Dendrobium, White: Emma White, Fairy White,
Kasem White and Snow White
Pink: Sakura Pink, New Pink, Lemon
Glow and Pink Cascade Propagation
The conventional method of
propagation is by vegetative means. Monopodial
orchids are propagated by stem cuttings. Terminal cuttings with one or two healthy aerial
roots are ideal as planting material. Basal
cuttings of 30 cm length with a few roots and
leaves are also good. But they take longer time to sprout and grow. Sympodial orchids
are propagated by separation of pseudobulbs. A plant with minimum two or three
pseudobulbs with the basal root is ideal for planting.
Some of the sympodial varieties produce sprouts at the top of pseudobulb called as keikis.
Keikis when fully grown can be separated and planted. Besides, back-bulbs or spent
canes (shoots that have ceased to produce flowers) before they get shrivelled can
be severed from the mother plant and placed horizontally over the medium to stimulate sprouting of new shoots.
Seed propagation is possible only
under aseptic conditions. Seedlings produced by embryo culture will take 2-5 years for
flowering, depending on the genus. Meristem culture is very effective in
large scale propagation of orchids.
Planting Planting can also be done in pots or other containers. Mud pots of 10-20 cm
diameter with several large holes on the side and
bottom, filled with tile bits, chopped
coconut husk or charcoal are used for planting. A
clear solution of fresh cowdung can be used for irrigation for a few days. Dipping in
fresh cowdung solution before planting also gives good results.
Monopodial orchids grown on ground
can be given cowdung slurry once in a month. One kg fresh cowdung mixed in 5 litres
of water is sufficient for one square metre. Two to three applications can be given in a
year. Sympodial orchids are sprayed with the supernatant liquid of cowdung slurry. Nutrition of plants from the natural
sources is not sufficient to support the plants for
economic production. Hence additional
feeding is required.Foliar feeding is very effective in orchids. Fertilizer mixture
of N:P2O5:K2O 3:1:1 can be applied during
vegetative period and 1:2:2 can be
applied during flowering period. The usual dose of such mixture is 2-3 g per litre of water, applied twice a week. Leaf spot (Colletotrichum and Gloeosporium)
Leaf blight (Pythium)
Collar blotch (Penicillium thimmi)
Collar rot (Sclerotium)
Orchid wilt (Sclerotium rolfsii)
These can be controlled by application
of mancozeb, carbendazim etc. at the
recommended dose. Spraying should be done prior to the commencement of monsoon
and at fortnightly intervals during heavy
monsoon. Important virus diseases are
mosaic and ring spot. Destroying the
affected plants can control spread of these diseases.
Pests Harvesting
The spikes are harvested before the
opening of all the buds of the
spike, depending on the genus.
Jasmine is an important flower crop
that could be grown on a commercial scale in
Kerala. Jasminum sambac is the most ideal species for cultivation in Kerala. The
flowers are used for preparing garlands. The jasmine oil has great export potential in
addition to its use for medicinal purpose.
Important cultivars
There are trailing, climbing, and
erect growing species and cultivars. Three important species and their varieties are given
as follows:
1. Jasminum sambac: Gundumalli,
Motia, Virupakshi, Sujimalli, Madanabanam, Ramabanam.
2. Jasminum grandiflorum:
Co-1 Pitchi, Co-2 Pitchi, Thimmapuram, Lucknow.
3. Jasminum auriculatum:
Co-1 Mulla, Co-2 Mulla, Long Point, Long
Round, Short Point, Short Round.
Soil and climate
Jasmine can be planted on a wide
range of soils. Well-drained sandy loams and red
loams are ideal for its cultivation. In
clayey soils, there is increased vegetative growth
and reduced flowering. They give good yield in low rainfall conditions.
Layering and cutting are the main
propagation methods. Better rooting of
cuttings can be obtained by planting in
coarse sand and also by using any of the rooting
hormones like IBA (5000 ppm), IAA
(1000 ppm) and NAA (5000 ppm). Simple and
compound layering methods are followed during June-July to October-November.
Layers will be ready for planting within 90-120 days.
Planting distance depends on the species
and also on soil and environmental conditions. Species Planting distance J. sambac 1.2 x 1.2 m
Planting is usually done during June-
Weed control
Manual weeding is usually done which
is effective but expensive. Mulching also
reduces weed population.
Leaf blight: Can be controlled by
spraying 0.2 per cent mancozeb.
Fusarium wilt: Controlled by drenching the soil with 1
per cent Bordeaux mixture.
Rust: Controlled by spraying 0.2 per cent
Yield of flowers and jasmine oil vary
according to the species and
management practices. Gladiolus is grown for its attractive
flower spike having florets of huge form, dazzling colour and varying sizes, with
long vase life.
Friendship, Spic and Span, Mansoer
Red, Dr. Fleming, Peter Pears and White Friendship are some of the common
varieties. Varieties evolved in India are
Sapna, Poonam, Nazrana, Apsara, Agnirekha, Mayur, Suchithra, Manmohan,
Manohar, Muktha, Archana, Arun and Shobha. It can be grown in a wide range of
soils, light sandy to clay loam. Deep well-drained acidic soils with a pH of 5.5-6.5 are the
best for cultivation. Gladiolus is propagated by corms
and cormels. Size of the corm markedly influences the growth and flowering of
gladiolus. Medium and large sized corms
are preferred for planting, as small corms
produce only small flower spikes.
The land is ploughed two or three
times and FYM @ 25 t
ha-1 is applied and
mixed well with the soil. Ridges are made
20 cm apart. Fertilizer application is made
@ 50:60:60 kg
N:P2O5:K2O per ha.
The corms are planted at a distance of 30 cm and
at 5 cm depth. About one lakh plants can
be accomodated in a hectare. Top dress the crop with 50 kg N, 45 days after planting, and earth up. Best season for planting is
Irrigation Several species of aphids like green
peach aphid, potato aphid and melon aphid damage developing foliage and flowers. They can
be controlled by using dimethoate. Thrips and caterpillars can be controlled
with dimethoate.
Brown and Fusarium wilts are the
major diseases. Spraying the crop with
0.03 per cent copper oxychloride or
drenching carbendazim 0.05 per cent is recommended when diseases are noticed. Harvesting and yield After harvest of flowers, the plants
are left undisturbed in the field. When they start yellowing, the plants are uprooted for
harvest of corms and cormels.
Tuberose occupies a very special
position among the ornamental bulbous
plants because of its prettiness, elegance and
fragrance. It has good economic potential for loose/cut flower trade and essential oil
There are three groups of cultivars
as given below:
1. Single: Flower is pure white and has
only a single row of corolla segments.
Cultivars are Sringar, Culcutta
Single, Mexican Single and Suvarna Rekha.
2. Double: Flowers are white, tinged
with pinkish red. Petals are in several whorls. Cultivars are Suvasini, Culcutta
Double and Pearl.
3. Semi-double: Similar to double but
with only 2 to 3 rows of corolla segments.
This classification is based on floral
Propagation is by bulbs. Boat
shaped bulbs of size 2 to 3 cm are preferred for
planting. About 1.25 to 1.50 lakh bulbs (800 to 900 kg) are required for
planting one hectare.
Cultural practices
Land is prepared well by ploughing two
or three times. FYM @ 30 t ha-1 is mixed
well with soil. Best time for planting is
May-July. The bulbs preferably those of size 2-5 cm or
above are to be planted at a depth of 7-10
cm, with a spacing of 20 cm x 25 cm. A fertilizer dosage of 100:50:50 kg
N:P2O5:K2O is recommended. Of these, half N, full
P2O5 and K2O are applied at the time of planting.
Remaining N is applied when the
flower spikes start to appear. A heavy irrigation
once in 5-10 days is necessary depending upon the weather conditions. The peak flowering
is between June and October.
Ratoon crop
Plant protection
Slugs and grass hoppers, which feed
on the leaves, and thrips which damage and cause distortion of the spikes are the
major pests. Malathion and carbaryl are effective against these pests. No major disease is
noticed. Sclerotium fungus, which attacks
the leaves and flower stalks at ground level causes defoliation and toppling of spikes.
This can be controlled by drenching of soil around the plant with fungicides.
Tuberose is harvested by cutting the
spikes from the base for table decoration or the
individual flower is picked from the spike
for making garlands and other floral ornaments:
The average yield of flower is as follows.
Plant crop: 5-10 t
ha-1 Crossandra flowers are very popular
for their bright orange colour, light weight and
keeping quality. The flowers are of great demand for garlands and hair adornments. Soil Propagation
Propagation is by seeds or stem
cuttings. Seedlings are ready for transplanting
when they have four or five pairs of leaves. In
the case of triploid varieties like Delhi,
cuttings are used. Cuttings should be transplanted when sufficient roots are developed.
Cultural hints
The land has to be ploughed three or
four times. FYM @ 25 t ha-1 is incorporated
and mixed well in the soil. Ridges are prepared
60 cm apart. A fertilizer dose of 33.3:60:60 kg
N:P2O5:K2O is applied as basal.The seedlings or cuttings are transplanted at a spacing of 30 cm.
The crop is topdressed twice with 33.3 kg N per ha each time, the first at
3 months after transplanting and the second 8-9 months after transplanting. The
application of fertilizers is to be
necessarily followed by irrigation. Weeding,
application of fertilizer and earthing up are combined
together for easy maintenance of the crop.
Plant protection
Scales, plant bugs and white flies are
the important insect pests, which can be
controlled by phosalone (0.07 per
Wilt caused by Fusarium
solani will
result in yellowing of leaves and death of the plants. The incidence of the disease is
found to be more in the presence of root lesion nematode.
Marigold is a popular annual flower
that can be grown on a commercial scale. It has gained popularity on account of its easy
cultivation and wide adaptability. Free
flowering habit, short duration to
produce marketable flowers, wide spectrum of
colour, shape, size and good keeping quality make marigold an acceptable commercial crop.
African marigold varieties
French marigold varieties
Rusty Red, Naughty, Marietta, Flame,
Star of India and Harmony.
Seeds are used for raising the crop.
Cultural practices
Prepare nursery beds of 6 m length,
1.2 m width and 10-20 cm height. Apply
30 kg FYM along with 0.5 kg of 15:15:15 fertilizer mixture and mix them well in
the soil. Sow the seeds in rows 7.5 cm apart. Cover the seeds with fine FYM and
irrigate. The seedlings will be ready for
transplanting within one month.
Irrigate once in 4-6 days depending
upon soil moisture and weather
conditions. Weeds have to be removed at monthly
Plant protection
Marigold is not attacked by many
pests. However, flower beetles, leaf hoppers,
stalk borers, mites etc. cause occasional
problems. These plants are rarely
attacked by diseases. In poorly drained soils, foot
rot caused by Phytophthora may occur. Stem rot caused by
Sclerotinia sclerotiorum is also reported. Soil drenching with copper
oxychloride is helpful in checking foot rot, while
stem rot is controlled by drenching with fungicides.
Harvest and yield
Marigold flowers will be ready for
harvest in about
21/2 months time from the date of transplanting. The plant continues
to bear flowers for another
2-21/2 months. The flowers are harvested when they have
attained full size. Harvest the flowers in the
evening along with a portion of stalk.
Yield of French marigold will be 8-12 t
ha-1 and that of African marigold 11-18 t
Ostrich Plume, Comet, Poornima, Kamini, Sasank, Violet cushion etc. are some of
the commercial varieties.
Commercially propagated by seeds.
Harvest and yield
China aster blossoms will be ready
for harvest within 10-12 weeks of transplanting. Generally the entire plant is harvested
when most of the flowers in the plant are opened and made into bundles of 10-12 each.
The yield will be 10-12 t ha-1.
Citation: 14th Edition. Kerala Agricultural University, Thrissur.
The flowers are harvested with its long stem when
1/4th to 3/4th flowers on the
spadix are open, indicated by the change of
colour. Colour change varies with the varieties.
Cattleya, Oncidium (sympodials).
Dendrobium is the most popular genus of Kerala. Some of the important varieties
belonging to this genus are given below, grouped according to colour.
Purple and white: Sonia 17, Sonia 28, Sonia Bom Jo and Earsakul
Purple: Renappa, New Wanee, Sabine Red, Jurie Red, Master Delight and Velvet Soft
Yellow: Sherifa Fatimah, Kasem Gold and Tongchai Gold
Magenta: Deep Blush
Terminal cuttings of monopodial orchids are planted loosely on old coconut husks at
a spacing of 30 cm between plants and
45 cm between rows in long beds. There can be two or three rows in a bed. Basal
cuttings will sprout within a period of two
months. Partial shade up to 50 per cent is
required for sprouting. Basal cuttings are planted
close to each other in nursery beds for sprouting. After sprouting they are planted at the
recommended spacing. Monopodial orchids can be grown on ground above soil level.
A thick bed of 15-20 cm height is loosely arranged. Welldried coconut husks are
better than fresh husks. Sympodial orchids are grown on benches above ground level
or suspended from above. Slotted wooden baskets filled with small pieces of dried coconut
husk or partially burnt charcoal is good for plant growth. Planting is done above the
medium with a support for proper anchorage.
Plant protection
The important fungal diseases are:
The common pests attacking orchids are thrips, aphids, spider mite, soft scale,
mealy bugs, orchid weevil, ants etc. Other very
serious pests of orchids are snails and slugs. They feed on the tender young shoots,
roots and buds. Hand-picking is effective, if the number of plants is less. They move out
during late night and hide before early morning. Damage is caused during this period.
All the pests can be controlled by application of
contact and systemic insecticides at
appropriate concentration.
After ploughing the land, pits of about
40 cm x 40 cm x 40 cm size are taken and filled with topsoil and 15 kg well rotten FYM.
J.auriculatum J.grandiflorum
1.8 x 1.8 m
2.0 x 1.5 m
Each plant requires a fertilizer dose of
120 g N, 240 g P2O5 and 240 g
K2O. The fertilizers are mixed together and applied
in two split doses during January and July. This has to be supplemented with organic
manures like neem cake, groundnut oil cake etc.
@ 100 g per plant per month.
Pruning is essential and is done at a height of 45 cm from the ground level during
mid December-January.
Constant and adequate water supply during peak flowering season
(March-October) is essential for high yield of flowers.
After flowering is over, water supply can be cut off. During summer, irrigate twice a week.
Jasmine is comparatively a hardy plant. Major pests are bud and shoot borers
and blossom midge, which can be controlled by spraying 0.15-0.20
per cent carbaryl.
Flower yield (t/ha)
Oil yield (kg/ha)
J. sambac
J. auriculatum J.grandiflorum5
615.44 28.00 29.00
The crop has to be irrigated once in two or three days depending upon soil and
weather conditions.
Plant protection
The plant starts flowering in 2-3 months after planting based on the variety. The
entire spike along with two leaves is
cut, when the basal flower bud starts opening. Nearly 2 lakh flower spikes can be
obtained from one hectare.
Porous, well-drained sandy loam soils are best suited for tuberose cultivation.
After the harvest of the main crop, the flower stalks are headed back and the plot
is manured and irrigated. Three or four ratoon crops can be taken from single planting.
Harvest and yield
First ratoon: 9-12 t
Second ratoon: 4-6 t
Yellow Orange, Lutea Yellow and Delhi (triploid) are the important varieties.
Crossandra can be cultivated in a wide range of soils. Fertile, red loamy
soils with pH range of 6.0 to 7.5 are ideal.
Harvest and yield
Crossandra flowers within two to three months after planting and continues to
bear flowers throughout the year with a lean production season during rainy months.
Flowers are to be picked early in the
morning by pulling the corolla out of the calyx.
Harvest-ing of flowers is to be done on alternate
days. The yield of flowers is about 5 t
There are two species of marigold, namely, African marigold
(Tagetes erecta) and French marigold (Tagetes
Inter-specific hybrids between these two
species also have been evolved, which
are known as Red and Gold hybrids. Varieties under this group are Nugget, Show Boat
and Red Seven Star.
Apricot, Primrose, Sun Giant, Guinea Gold, Fiesta, Golden Yellow, Hawaii, Crown
of Gold, Honey Comb, Cupid, Pusa Narangi Gaintha and Pusa Basanti Gaintha.
A wide range of soils with good drainage is suitable for cultivation of marigold.
Sandy loam soil with pH 5.6 to 6.5 is ideal.
For the main-field, the land should be ploughed well and FYM @ 20 t
ha-1 should be incorporated to the soil. Apply a basal
dose of fertilizers @ 112.5 kg N, 60 kg
P2O5, and 60 kg
K2O per ha. Transplant the
seedlings at a spacing of 30 cm x 30 cm
in case of French marigold and 45 cm x 45 cm
in case of African marigold on one side
of the ridge and irrigate. Topdress the crop with 112.5 kg N per ha at the time of
pinching (30-45 days after transplanting) and earth up.
Pinching is done to increase the total yield. It consists of removing terminal portion of
the plant 30-45 days after transplanting.
China aster is a free blooming,
colourful annual flower. It is grown on a
commercial scale in many parts of India. Bright
coloured flowers of China aster are in much demand for the preparation of bouquets and
flower arrangements.
Though it could be cultivated on a wide range of soils, well-drained red loamy soil
is ideal.
Cultural practices
Seedlings are to be raised in nursery beds of size 7.5 m long, 1.2 m wide and 10
cm height for preparing planting materials for
an area of one hectare. The seeds are sown thinly and covered with fine FYM. The seedbeds are irrigated immediately after
sowing. The seedlings will be ready for
transplanting in about four weeks.
For transplanting, prepare the main field
by ploughing land three or four times.
FYM is applied @ 10-15 t ha-1 and mixed well
with the soil. Chemical fertilizers @ 90 kg N,
120 kg P2O5 and 60 kg
K2O per ha are
required as basal dose. Seedlings of 4 weeks are transplanted at a spacing of 30 cm x
30 cm. The crop has to be top dressed with 50 kg N at 40 days of transplanting. The
crop has to be irrigated once in 4-5 days depending upon the soil and weather
conditions. Earthing up has to be done twice at 30
days intervals.
Kerala Agricultural University. 2011.
Package of Practices Recommendations: Crops.