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Appendix 10

Pesticide guide


The pesticides may be applied according to the severity of infestation of the pest/infection of the disease in a need-based manner. Whenever the government bans a chemical, recommendation for its use automatically stands cancelled. Central Insecticide Board and Registration Committee, Government of India has published the list of pesticide formulations banned in India in its official website ( This list is periodically updated by CIB&RC which will stand applicable to the KAU recommendations, as and when modified. The list of banned, withdrawn and restricted pesticides as on date by CIB&RC is given in Appendix 12. The substitutes for pesticides banned by Government of Kerala, proposed as interim recommendation based on approved use by CIB&RC, notified vide G.O(M.S) No.123/2011/Agri dated 12/5/2011 are given in Appendix 13.





Kerala Agricultural University. 2011. Package of Practices Recommendations: Crops.

14th Edition. Kerala Agricultural University, Thrissur. 360p.